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05 Nov 2015

The 2nd FICAD is a one day design event under the motto: Design Transforms Urban Scenarios. It will be held on November 5, during the D Week.

Always using Design as a strategic resource to the Urban Planning, the discussion will be about the different ways of how the cities could develop themselves, covering the economic, social and innovative optics. The 2nd FICAD, coordinated by Ippuc, is planned for design specialists, entrepreneurs, architects, rectors, teachers, directors of public agencies, local managers and the involved community with a creative and innovative pole of the city. The goal of the event will be the discussion of how design can be a tool that transforms urban scenarios and also to establish exchange of knowledge between members of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Specifically Bogota and Buenos Aires were invited to participate and discuss their experiences.

The specific goals of the 2nd FICAD are:

  • Insert Design as a strategic item in the urban planning of the cities;
  • Create a spirit of constructive participation to the evolution of the cities’ development;
  • Find and establish ways to turn the city more propitious to innovation;
  • Search ways to turn the cities into references in Creativity, Innovation and Design;
  • Show to the guests the potential and the movement of Curitiba as a creative, participatory, humanized and innovative city;
  • Establish exchange of knowledge between members of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, specifically Bogota and Buenos Aires that were invited to participate and discuss their experiences.

For more information please visit www.ippuc.org.br or www.semanad.com.br