Posted on: 5. October 2020

For its 14th edition, the GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Awards opens its call-for-entries to candidates worldwide.The call was just launched on Sept 25 and their is a discounted rate available until October 15th.
The competition is open to all design and architecture professionals and students, as well as to real estate developers, contractors, manufacturers, and clients who have called upon these professionals to design their projects and products, in several disciplines and categories.
A multidisciplinary Jury of nearly 70, leading professionals, prominent academics, and influential press members recruited across the world, will diligently use their know-how, experience and expertise to assess the excellence of the projects and products presented.


Version française
  • Notre communiqué de presse annonçant l’ouverture de l’appel de candidature, disponible en version Word ou PDF ici.
  • Les différents visuels du concours (logos, bandeaux etc) pour diffusion sur vos réseaux. ici  
  • La vidéo teaser du GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN que vous pouvez utiliser ici. 
English version
  • Our press release announcing the opening of the Call for Entries, available in Word or PDF version here.
  • The different visuals of the contest (logos, banners etc) for distribution on your networks. here
  • The GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN video teaser that you can use here.