Call For Submissions // Cumulus Conference 2022: Design for Adaptation

Posted on: 15. March 2022

We are excited to invite submissions for academic and professional papers, and digital posters for the Cumulus 2022 Conference “Design for Adaption” in Detroit, USA, 2-4 November.

We welcome submissions from individuals and groups in academia, industry and the public sector with a range of art and design-led approaches, methods, visions, ideas, theories and experiments that draw on adaptation to reduce vulnerabilities and foster resilience for any community, big or small.

2022 Theme: Design for Adaptation

The complexity and scale of sustainability topics had deepened and transformed from the early days when most projects looked at changes in environmental conditions. Climate change is exposing significant systemic and social-technological problems across different areas. Design for Adaptation comprises changing behaviors, systems, and environments to reduce our vulnerability to the harmful effects of a rapidly changing world, including climate change, automation, and income inequality.

further information  –> Click here







Shannon McPartlon


F U R T H E R   I N F O R M A T I O N

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