Call: Space for Design

Posted on: 8. June 2018

Space for design is the international design contest challenging architects, designers and university students from the Schools of Design and Architecture to come up with concepts for accessibility across the board, both in its tangible and intangible dimensions. The aim is to enhance the use of urban spaces in the historic centres of the Turin metropolitan area.


The competition has been launched and planned by Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino, in collaboration with Ordine degli Architetti Torino and the OAT Design focus group, and is sponsored by Camera di commerce di Torino, Pininfarina and Città di Moncalieri. The deadline for submission is August 31st.

Theme of the Contest

The core theme of the contest is accessibility and usability of historic city centres, heritage, places, streets and shops that make up the dynamic fabric of the urban space. It applies to mobility processes and the use of public spaces and commercial businesses to develop a vision for innovative and simplified use, also through a new experiential approach for the children, the elderly and citizens with disabilities of all kinds.

The contest will focus on two target areas: – Via Po, Turin and the street leading up to the Castle in the historic centre of Moncalieri. However, participants are required to develop universal solutions that can also be applied to other urban contexts. More specifically, the assessment of concept proposals will take account of 3 elements:

  • accessibility and universal fruition, both the material and immaterial dimension: solutions will have to be ideally applicable to different historic centres and meet the needs of heterogeneous users
  • vision for an innovative and simplified use: the proposed tangible and intangible strategies are expected to provide an innovative vision of the context
  • sustainability: concept proposals should entail low construction costs and minimize annual maintenance and management costs.

The contest will be thoroughly illustrated on June 11 from 9.00 to 13.00 at the Circolo del Design, via Giolitti 26/A, Turin, highlighting the local context, with the relevant social, political and economic factors, and presenting the target areas, Via Po, Turin and the street leading up to the Castle in the historic centre of Moncalieri

The conference will be available in the hall and via webinar to allow all interested parties from other Italian regions or other countries to participate. Click here to register.

Calendar 2018

Publication of the call for proposals: 17 May
Presentation and in-depth conference: 11 June, 9.00–13.00
Deadline for submitting questions: 27 July
Deadline for publication of answers to questions: 3 August
Deadline for submitting the concept proposals: 31 August 12.00
Publication of contest results: between 12 and 22 October

Submission Requirements

3 tables in A1 format and a report in A4 format
Sending method: the required documents as well as the questions must be submitted via e-mail.

Prizes and Awards

Winner: € 6.000
2nd Winner: € 3.000
3rd Winner: € 1.000
1 CCIAA special award: € 2.000
3 special mentions for students / under 25 who will be invited for an internship at Pininfarina

Judging Committee

– Paolo Pininfarina – President of Pininfarina
– Luisa Bocchietto – WDO President
– Guido Bolatto – Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce
– Luisa Papotti – Turin Architectural Heritage Superintendent
– Alberto Nada – OAT Focus Design Representative

The announcement is available on the website of Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino

Press Office and Communication

Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino
Raffaella Bucci T. 011 5360514 | M. 347 0442782 |
Giulia Gasverde T. 011 5360513 | M. 347 5077292 | g.gasverde@fondazioneperlarchitettura

Further information

Go and get more information at the official website here

See the video and find out more about Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino!

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