Subject: Hosting a stage of the Traveling Authors’ Residence around the world between Angoulême (France) and Nanjing (China)
Creative Cities Wanted:
6 Cities from one of the following UCCN creative fields: Digital Arts,
Cinema, Design, Gastronomy, Music, Folklore and Folk Art.
Artists involved:
2 comic book authors from Angoulême (France) and Nanjing (China)
January 22, 2024 to April 28, 2024
Date of submission:
July 7, 2023 to
Project description :
Two comic book authors proposed by the Cities of Nanjing and Angoulême are together on a world tour of the UNESCO Creative Cities through 9 artistic residency stages of one week per residency excluding international transport time .
Comics are a relevant medium for revealing cultural diversity within the UCCN. It is both universal and inter‐generational. It makes it possible to create synergies and interactions between the different cultural fields represented.
During their various stays, the two artists must, through their shared vision and their respective Eastern and Western sensibility, create a travel diary composed of artistic elements of their choice (sketches, drawings, comic strips, texts… ) expressing the diversity and excellence of the creative field thus discovered during each residency. This world tour begins on January 22, 2024 in Angoulême on the occasion of the 51st International.
Comic Strip Festival and ends in Nanjing on April 28. On the proposal of H.E. Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO, the route will also pass through the City of Beirut (literature) as a sign of solidarity and brotherhood between the Cities of the UCCN and the capital of Lebanon. A call for applications from the Creative Cities is launched to select the 6 other stages of the itinerant residency on the basis of an artistic, cultural and educational proposal from the Candidate Cities in one of the six other creative fields of the UCCN: digital arts, cinema, design, gastronomy, music, traditions and popular arts.
The traveling residency is for 14 weeks, from January 22, 2024 to April 28, 2024.
The traveling residency will take place between January 22, 2024 and April 28, 2024. Stages 1 and 9 will take place in Angoulême and Nanjing. Candidate Cities will have to express three choices of
dates in order of preference
Stage 2 : February 7 to 14
Stage 3 : February 17 to 24
Stage 4 : February 27 to March 5
Stage 5 : March 8 to 15
Stage 6 : March 18 to 25
Stage 7 : March 28 to April 4
Stage 8 : April 8 to 15
What is expected :
At the end of the traveling residency, a travel diary composed of artistic elements (sketches, drawings, plates, texts, etc.) by the two authors is published and distributed to the host cities in particular. In addition, a digital exhibition will be created and proposed to the Cities of the Network who wish to present it as well as during the annual Conference of Mayors of the UCCN which will take place in Braga (Portugal) in 2024. The main exhibition will be presented during the
52nd FIBD in January 2025.
What’s on offer :
- The project supports:
- the remuneration of the artists during the duration of the project,
- their copyrights (travel diary and exhibition),
- their international travel expenses (including any visa fees),
- their insurance/repatriation costs,
- the costs of creating the exhibition and the travel diary.
The digital files of the travel diary and the exhibition (in French, English and Chinese) will be made available to the host cities. The printing of these elements will remain the responsibility of the
host cities.
What is required of Host Cities:
Each participating host city bears the living expenses of the two authors during the week of stay:
- accommodation,
- catering (meal or per‐diem),
- provision of a workplace,
- organization of a program of meetings and visits,
- local transport,
- costs related to visits,
- organization of discussion time with young audiences.
During each stage, a videoconference is also planned in connection with French and Chinese
young people (10‐12 years old) in a spirit of intercultural openness (1 to 2 hours).
The travel diary will be made available in digital format to each Host City, which may print it at its
own expense.
Application documents to be sent to s.pothierleroux@mairie‐ before July 7, 2023: An application file in French or English presenting:
- the creative field of the city
- their strengths in the creative field concerned
- his program proposals for the two comic book authors
- 3 choices of dates for welcoming authors
- its acceptance of the duties of the host cities
City of Angoulême: Sylvain Pothier-Leroux,
UNESCO Focal Point +33 5 45 38 71 21