Sani Project | Bologna

Posted on: 3. February 2017

Ex-Caserma Sani: International competition for the Masterplan
CDP Investments Sgr, an association of the Cassa Depositi  e Prestiti, have launched the International Competition for a project for the ex-barracks Sani, a site that takes up 10 hectares of land between via Ferrarese and via Stalingrado including plans for new houses, offices, commercial buildings, a park and a school, alongside the update of certain existing buildings. The competition calls for the elaboration of a proposed project that, in accordance with the Operative Communal Plan for the Regeneration of Public Heritage, outlines the urban layout for the requalification of the building complex, the flexibility criterium of the functional mix, the design of public space and the standards of intervention in the recuperation of protected buildings.

Competition procedures
The Competition is divided into two sections: a “senior” section for participants over the age of 39 and a “junior/under 39” section for participants of 39 years or younger.

The Competition will unfold in two distinct phases:
1. a first phase of applications consisting of a curriculum and design proposal;
2. a second phase for the design of the Master Plan by five selected finalists, a maximum of four from the senior section and a minimum of one from the junior/under 39 section.
3. Selection of the winner project.

The winner of the Competition and each competitor selected for the second phase who presents a Master Plan will be entitled to a reimbursement 15,000 Euro, comprehensive of all applicable fees and taxes.
CDPI reserves the right to commission the winner of the Competition with the preparation of the Piano Urbanistico Attuativo, the Implementation Plan, for the Property, as prescribed by the POC-RPP. CDPI maintains the right to autonomously evaluate the eventual awarding of this commission and the relative professional fees.

Participation in the Competition is open to:
architects and engineers from Member States of the European Union and Switzerland, registered with Professional Associations in their home State and to those legally entitled to practise in Italy, who are not prohibited from doing so at the date of publication of the present Brief;
engineering Companies and other subjects entitled as per the directives of the European Union, who are not prohibited from practicing by law, contract or disciplinary measure.
Interested candidates may participate individually or as part of groups or temporary associations.

Conditions of Non-Eligibility
The following subjects are not eligible to participate in the Competition:
a. administrators and staff of the Competition Organiser;
b. members of the Competition Team involved in the preparation of this Brief and the organisation of the Competition and members of the Competition Secretary;
c. effective or secondary members of the Jury;
d. spouses, partners or other relatives, up to and including third degree relations, and those with on-going and known relations, even if informal, with those subjects listed under points, a, b and c above.

Official Language
The official language of the Competition is Italian, however the use of English is permitted.

Competition Calendar
Phase 1
Publication of the Call: 21 December 2016
Deadline for entries for the first phase: 4pm, 24th February 2017
Selection of the 5 groups of finalists for Phase 2: within 30 days after deadline
Phase 2
Deadline for entries for the second phase: 4pm, 19 June 2017
Presentation of the 5 projects to the Jury and selection of the winner: by 30th July 2017.

All information relative to the present Competition and rules and regulations for participation can be found on the Competition website.