Thinking about the future of Japan’s design cities

Posted on: 18. October 2024

Asahikawa, Kobe, and Nagoya established the “UNESCO City of Design Conference” in 2023 to strengthen exchange and collaboration among design cities in Japan. In 2024, the second conference will be held in Nagoya on Monday, October 28, in conjunction with the UCCN City of Design Sub-Network meeting in Asahikawa, Japan. This conference will feature the activities of Naohiro Niiyama, a representative of Tsugi LLC, who designs, promotes and manages accessory and apparel brands, sales channels, and tourism in Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, where manufacturing is thriving; and Mirari, a Montreal-based company that builds interactive relationships between citizens and cities, audience and space, through installations in public spaces and event venues around the world. In the second part, we will consider the future of design cities and networks through short presentations from domestic and international design cities.

UNESCO Cities of Design Conference, Japan (Asahikawa, Kobe, Nagoya)

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