To enhance the creativity of children.

© KODOMO SOZO Project(Creative Kids Project)
How the case links to the UN sustainable development goal:
Through the project, children nurture their imagination and creativity.
- Goal 4 – Children nurture their imagination and creativity
- Goal 12 – Children learn how to make use of waste materials
What Was Done:
Children craft various items they want by using waste materials collected around shops and factories in Kobe, such as leather offcuts or fragments of wood and plastic, in which they nurture their imagination and creativity. They also learn what is made and produced locally in Kobe by picking up waste materials.
How Things Were Done:
We hold workshops regularly 4times a month. In the workshop, volunteer staff helps children to make their own ideal items from waste materials. The materials are provided by shops and factories in Kobe.
Target Level of Education:
Early childhood education, basic education
Materials Used in the Project:
Waste materials gathered from shops and factories in Kobe
Good Practices:
We made a social connection with children, their families, citizen volunteers and waste materials providers.
Challenges We Faced / Things to Develop: