Relevant Projects – Designed for Society | Edited by Karl Stocker and FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH

About this book
On the occasion of Graz UNESCO City of Design, the Joanneum University organizes an annual lecture series with high-profile speakers. It focuses on different aspects of the international discourse on design. For the first time, a symposium has been organized as part of this event. The presentations provide the material for the Socio-Designbook.
While the gleaming aesthetics of commercial goods conspire to form a modern “ego image”, there is – beyond the pressure to consume – a development that focuses on the social relevance of design relating to cultural objects: in these times of social change, Socio Design is increasingly garnering attention. The book documents six design contributions which have a stabilizing and balancing effect owing to a new arrangement of social interactions.
- How design can have a positive effect on society
- Six completed international projects
- Based on a lecture series at the Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Graz
Author information
Dr. Karl Stocker, head of Department Exhibition Design and Information Design, University of Applied Sciences Graz
“‘Socio-Design’ turns the spotlight on design’s relevance and by doing so makes significant progress towards making the concept universally understandable.”