Streaming Heritage attempts to “stream” Nagoya’s historical and cultural heritage in real-time with innovative art and technology, and highlights historical old canal as industrial heritage of the area
UN sustainable development goal:
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
The Case Description:
This event is intended to show the world the charms of Nagoya’s unique cultural arts, creating an interaction between history and the present through installations by well-known artists, symposiums featuring experts and creators, and performances using cutting-edge technology, and so lead to a revitalization of social and economic activity.
What Was Done:
Several site-specific installations along Horikawa canal were designed to connect historical industrial sites in Nagoya. The project revitalized a commercial boat service which is out of business for years to go around the exhibitions and to suggest the possibility of alternative transportation in town for the future. Related symposiums and performing arts projects were held in the venue along the canal and Nagoya castle which is the center of local heritage.
How Things Were Done:
Streaming Heritage was addressed as a project of Nagoya Japan Expo by Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan. The program was designed and operated by 5 executive directors, and 2 advisers on history of the area and media arts in Japan. Along with the site-specific art exhibition, installation and symposiums which refer to the history of the region, the project also attempted to archive the historical background of media arts activities in this region. The project was designed to encourage the public have a chance to realize and enjoy the history of the area and the history of media arts at the same time by compiling historical records on media arts and audio & visual archives of latest approaches for this project.
Good Practices:
We had created an environment where you can enjoy a culture in which the city’s scenery changes through art and design, even when you cannot go out due to Covid-19.
This project also provided part-time job opportunities for young individuals and small productions in creative industry who lost jobs and business opportunities due to Covid-19 situation.