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A new agenda for innovation where creativity meets science & business

09 Sep 2020

Deakin University and the City of Greater Geelong invite you to the first lecture in the 2020 virtual Clever and Creative Lecture Series.

The webinar, A new agenda for innovation where creativity meets science & business will hear from internationally renowned design thinkers who will explore the role of design and creativity in bridging the knowledge and skill gap of cross-sector innovation.

The presentations will be followed by a moderated Q&A session to tackle how creativity and design thinking could be embedded into your own innovation agenda.


The Speakers


Mr Bart Ahsmann, Managing Director of CLICK.NL, will introduce the Dutch Government’s pioneering framework of Key Enabling Methodologies that integrate businesses, governance bodies and research and educational institutions for cross-sector innovation.


Mr Pieter van Os, Program Manager of CIRCO International, will share insights from his international project that helps businesses use circular design principles to boost their innovation potential.


Professor Chris McConville, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Strategy and Performance at Deakin University, will discuss Deakin’s innovation approach and future vision about how as a University we could embed creativity and design thinking more into our innovation agenda.


Professor Tuba Kocaturk and Dr Russell Kennedy, Co-Directors of DesignMind, Deakin’s International Design and Innovation Platform (Moderators).



Online registration is required. This is a free event.


click here


Geelong UNESCO City of Design

E:  Creative_City_Geelong@geelongcity.vic.gov.au