Bilbao Bizkaia Design Week (BBDW) is an event organized by the Bilbao Bizkaia Design Council (BiDC), an initiative of Bilbao City Council and the Biscay Provincial Council to promote the creative industries as a factor of economic development and national and international projection of Biscay. This event includes a number of activities which will take place in different spaces around the city, both physically both virtually. These are scheduled by the leading stakeholders of the Bilbao-Bizkaia design ecosystem.
The theme of the sixth edition consists on redesigning a changing world. The main challenges include bringing awareness of the changes that are taking place globally, increased by the pandemic and the socioeconomic crisis, to try to provide solutions from the different cultural and creative sectors.
Therefore, for this BBDW20 we propose EmpathyRE as the main theme. Empathy as an attitude to REbuild a fairer and more sustainable world. Empathy as the principle that helps us to REdefine the ways we relate; to REdesign the devices, interfaces and tools with which we interact, as well as the products and services that we produce; to REthink our value systems, care, health, education, mobility, production and inhabitation ways. In short, our forms of coexistence, culture, consumption and leisure.
It will be a Design Week of recognition, meeting and working in common between the different leading figures of all these processes of transition and change: business professionals, institutions and social entities, as the citizenship or the training centers, and in relationship with the industrial fabric. A perfect occasion for considering alternatives and coming up with ideas and concrete proposals for the construction and rebuilding of a more empathetic and sustainable society.