Creative Content | Digital Innovation | Social Entrepreneurship
The European Youth Award (EYA) is a pan-European contest to motivate young people, social entrepreneurs and start-ups to produce digital projects with impact on society. It demonstrates their potential to create innovative solutions with Internet and Mobile technology addressing the goals defined by the Council of Europe and Europe 2020 as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The annual winners event, the EYA Festival, is s a unique event combining knowledge – innovation – networking – inspiration – motivation and is taking place in Graz in November.
It is a public event and everybody is welcome to join. Thus, don’t miss the chance and be part of it!
What you can expect:
EYA Winners present their inspiring projects to the international Festival audience. They receive feedback from the Festival Expert Jury and the EYA network – Europe’s most vibrant and lively digital community and engaged students.
IT pioneers, expert speakers, mentors and experienced entrepreneurs share their experience and know-how in keynotes, interactive workshops and the most appreciated and unique EYA Campfire.
All Festival participants – smart people from all over Europe – exchange and discuss innovative ideas and future cooperation at networking events.
Last but not least: an awesome and inspiring evening of excellence (EYA Gala Ceremony) and farewell party at the unique Dom im Berg.
EYA is organized by the International Center for New Media, a Non-Profit Organization based in Salzburg, Austria.
For further information click here.
The Call for Porposals is open from April to 15th of July 2017. See here.