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Final event of Human Cities project in Tallinn

10 - 16 Sep 2018

Human Cities Partners in Europe, Design: Audrey Templier

Since 2014, the project Human Cities_Challenging the City Scale, coordinated by Cité du design, Saint-Etienne, gathers European 12 partners from 11 cities, including 6 UNESCOs creative cities. Co-financed by the programme Creative Europe of European Union, the project explires how inhabitants (re)invent contemporary city and experiment its scales.

After 4 years of coopération, the partners have gathered in Tallinn,Estonia, for a final event organized during the XIII. Design Festival Disainiöö. They shared the outcome, results and learnings of there urban experiences through an expo-lab, a conference, prototypes, and launched the final book of the project co-published with Birkhauser under the name “Challenging the City Scale – Journeys in People-centred design“.

Further Information

For any further questions get in contact with Josyane Fran per email 

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