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Public Vote for Shanghai’s Best Designs Starts

16 - 22 Apr 2021

© Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization

The Shanghai government is inviting citizens to vote for the best Shanghai designs of the year, covering fashion, health, architecture, technology and industry.

The Shanghai Design 100+ activity, which will showcase the winning designs, has been launched by the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization with 287 designs selected from 1,541 items to be put to the vote.

“The Shanghai government lays particular stress on Shanghai design and hopes the public can actively participate in the voting to decide the 100 most liked designs,” said Chen Jianlin, a commission official.

After the public vote, the government will invite professionals from various trades to vote and then industry authorities. The public vote accounts for 30 percent in deciding the 100 most liked Shanghai designs of the year.

Almost every well-known Shanghai enterprise has submitted their latest designs. Among them, Manloulan with a Shanghai-style qipao, United Imaging, which is famous for medical diagnosis equipment, and car manufacturer SAIC Motor.


“One design is a skipping rope, which doesn’t have a rope. This enables people locked indoors to keep doing exercise. By looking at these designs, you can feel the influence of the COVID-19 on the society,” Chen said.


the public can vote for their favorites through the link:



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