© Designregio Kortrijk Creativity Week 2019
Kortrijk Creativity Week, the creative highlight of the Kortrijk UNESCO design region.
‘Week van het Ontwerpen’ has been highlighting creative and innovative student projects since 2004. After 14 years it had become the platform for inspiration and knowledge exchange between creative education and industry. With the recognition of the Kortrijk region as Kortrijk UNESCO design region, ‘Week van het Ontwerpen’ 2019 becomes Kortrijk Creativity Week.
Kortrijk Creativity Week brings the next generation in creativity, design, innovation, music, art and business to Kortrijk Weide, Belgium. The full program will be launched in June.
Kortrijk Creativity Week is a collaboration between Designregio Kortrijk, Howest, city of Kortrijk, Voka West-Flanders, Intercommunale Leiedal and Biënnale Interieur. With the event, we want to highlight the added value of design thinking for education, industry and public space.
Graphic Design by Ship Of Fools

The main exhibition of Kortrijk Creativity Week shows the best student projects from the creative design courses in Belgium and northern France (higher education).
Students from Belgian and Northern French colleges and universities can submit projects from the following creative design courses:
- Product design (industrial product design, textile / fashion / accessories, furniture design)
- Architecture of interior, buildings, public space and landscapes
- Multimedia design (games, web & graphic design)
Subscribing is possible via kortrijkcreativityweek.be/en/subscribe