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Selected 2018

04 May - 03 Jun 2018

SELECTED is an exhibition of contemporary furniture and product design. Every year, this international exhibition presents products from renowned and established designers as well as from newcomers working in the field of interior design. This all takes place within the context of Designmonat Graz. Market-ready products, innovative concepts and progressive studies from various disciplines are exhibited. During the selection process for the exhibition, there is a focus on topicality, professionalism and innovation in implementation.


Out of the Frame

The exhibition on contemporary interior and product design SELECTED will be shown in the Portrait Collection of Neue Galerie Graz in cooperation with Universalmuseum Joanneum, located in Joanneumsviertel in Graz. A selection of international design positions will be juxtaposed with portraits of several epoches.

The nature of a portrait lies in the momentary capture of a person, her or his face, and their historic setting. A portrait is timeless and yet a witness of a time period, created within an epoch. It seems to be real, yet it is nothing but an idealised reflection. The objects of the exhibition SELECTED represent our present. Their design mirrors current trends and offers an outlook on future developments. They are signs of our time and – in contrast to the images – tangible and true. Portraits and design objects enter into dialogue: curator Alexa Holzer uses materials, colours and settings in the pictures to create a connection between the images and exhibited objects. The depiction steps out of its frame and is retrieved within a new context.


For the review SELECTED 2017 see here.