The Degree Program Design Management is run by WIFI Steiermark, Fachgruppe Werbung und Marktkommunikation der WK Steiermark and Creative Industries Styria.
“Design is our language“ – Design Managers do speak the language of the company as much as the language of design. To a certain extent, they are the missing link for they are able to steer development processes and close those gaps in the company that lie between vision, strategy, product development and successful marketing. Design Managers implement design as the resulting added value for brands and companies – for innovation and growth. Design management is not a trendy slogan but a necessity for future-orientated companies.
What is Design Management?
Design Management relates to all operational and strategic levels of entrepreneurial activities, from the idea, the research, the development and finally to the design implementation. What is Design? ’It means creativity of something that doesn’t already exist.’ It is a management discipline that focuses on the design resources and activities of a company. It uses project management techniques to steer a creative process, to support a culture of creativity, and to build a design-based organizational structure. Design Management is quasi the business side of design.
Who do we address?
You are passionate about design and innovation and want more spin in your company? You want to differentiate yourself in the market? You want to anchor design in corporate culture? You want to develop and establish a new product line or new services?
The course is designed for those who see a lot of potential and hidden resources for innovation in their companies – and those who are passionate about good design and who believe that the source and identity of a product is an integral part of their success on the market and thus is in the end also decisive for a greater added value.
The course is primarily aimed at project managers, product developers, key executives and middle management of all industries who want to embed design and design processes in their companies. You do not need to be a designer yourself. Learn how to improve the innovation and brand value of your products, services, and companies by a better linking of design and business processes.
Your way to become a Design Manager
If design is rooted in corporate culture and there is a prevailing understanding of an “open design” climate, design can impact other corporate functions, product and brand areas and thereby contribute to the company’s business success. Our goal is also to narrow the gap between the creative and manufacturing industries and to use design as a driver of innovation. The three design management functions are also considered in the training:
1. Operative Design Management
The core task of Operative Design Management is to sustainably build up the understanding of design in the company (management, employees etc.) and to put the potential across in the international business context. Operational Design Management mainly deals with project-related tasks and tries to integrate design into the venture.
2. Functional Design Management
The core task of Functional (Tactical) Design Management is to build up company-related structures and processes for design in the company. Due to customer-oriented product design and a superior corporate design measure, the overall image of the company and its range (brand, products, services, etc.) will continue to be positively shaped. This level includes the permanent implementation of design in a company and represents the link between the Operational and Strategic Design Management Tasks.
3. Strategic Design Management
The core task of Strategic Design Management is to enable a company to communicate its own identity and culture both internally and externally and to consistently integrate core competencies into value creation processes. Strategic Design Management also ensures coherence between the three sections described and thus significantly determines the corporate philosophy.
Photo Gallery
First Graduation Ceremony, July 2018, Photo: Hannes Loske
Lecturer Rudolf Greger, Photo: Mischa Erben
Lecturer Peter Webhofer, Photo:
Lecturer Thomas Feichtner, Photo: Studio Thomas Feichtner
Lecturer Vanessa Monogioudis, Photo: IDEO GmbH
Lecturer Peter Schreckensberger, Photo: Maren Jeleff
Further Information
Information evening at WIFI Graz: (2 hours free of charge)
09 / 17 / 2018 | Monday | 18.30 – 20.00
Costs and duration of the Degree Program Design Management:
192 lessons
10 / 19 / 2018 – 06 / 15 / 2019 | Friday | 14.00 – 22.00 | Saturaday | 8.00 – 16.00
monthly installment: 5 x € 840, – or a one-time payment of € 4.000, -
at the start of the course (Status July 2018)
Exam Degree Program Design Management
8 lessons € 350,– (Status July 2018)
06 / 21 / 2019 | Friday | 14.00 – 22.00
Koerblergasse 111-113
A-8010 Graz
Telephone +43 316 602-332
Download the booklet (in German) here and see relevant Literatur by Peter Schreckensberger, Benjamin Schilbach and Thomas Saier here.