Our focus is on developing expertise in visual thinking and decision-making. Images, videos, infographics and the visualisation of big data generate a high level of attention in all media channels. The perfect mix and strategic use of different visual products is therefore essential to ensure successful and effective communication.
The focus of the Master’s course
This course provides sound imagery expertise, creating a bridge between theory and practice. Experts in visual communication and image management draw on image theories in practical and applied classes so as to provide the expertise you will need to prove yourself in this sector.
- Visual Studies: theories, methods and applied models of visual communication
- Projects & Focus: photo/print – video/moving image – (info)graphics/big data visualisation – social media images
- Research: selection, analysis and documentation of different visual materials
- Visual Culture: societal aspects of imagery
- Corporate Imagery: visual branding & images in corporate communication
- Management & Law: economic and legal issues related to the image market
- Ambiance & Environment: image impact – image aesthetics – visual language – image ethics
Course structure: part-time study
The course is based on blocks of mandatory attendance and partial e-learning. Compact periods of attendance take place during a week of lectures and seminars at the start of the semester and on weekends during the semester.
In addition, supervised periods of e-learning are held either in the form of synchronous online classes or asynchronous communication with supervised work assignments. Online socialising and preparation for the online stages of the course take place as part of the course introduction.
Academic Degree:
Master of Arts in Social Sciences (MA)
Mode of Study:
Part-time / 3 Semester / 90 ECTS
Language of Instruction:
German / English
Head of Degree Programme:
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Heinz M. Fischer
Application Deadline:
30 August 2017
Tuition fee:
€ 2.900 per Semester
For further information visit: